[oodisc] [Fwd: [gnome-db] GUADEC]
Dmitry G. Mastrukov Дмитрий Геннадьевич Мастрюков
dmitry на taurussoft.org
Ср Апр 10 14:53:48 MSD 2002
Всем привет!
Вот такая информация к сведению.
-----Пересланное сообщение-----
From: Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo на gnome-db.org>
To: GDA <gnome-db-list на gnome.org>
Subject: [gnome-db] GUADEC
Date: 08 Apr 2002 02:25:15 +0200
I've been these last days in Sevilla for the GUADEC conference
(http://www.guadec.org), and it's been pretty good for gnome-db. There
are a lot of news, which are really cool. Here they are:
* there is a decision to put some work in getting a GNOME Office-1.0 out
soon, with some integration between all the apps included. Of course, we
are going to push gnome-db into that and make all the work needed to
integrate with all apps.
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo на gnome-db.org> - <rodrigo на ximian.com>
http://www.gnome-db.org/ - http://www.ximian.com/
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