[oodisc] [Fwd: [udk-dev] pyuno-0.9.1]

Alex Savitsky asav2000 на mail.ru
Вт Янв 28 17:49:37 MSK 2003

-------- ???????? ????????? --------
????: [udk-dev] pyuno-0.9.1
????: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 15:27:08 +0100
??: Joerg Budischewski <JoergBudi на gmx.de>
????????: dev на udk.openoffice.org
????: dev на udk.openoffice.org


I would like to announce the availability of the
version 0.9.1 of the generic Python-UNO bridge.
Starting off with the PyUNO-0.0.4 version created
by Ralph Thomas, I added the following features :

- full UNO exception support
- Python UNO objects
- Python UNO components
- Proper in/out parameter handling
- Multi threading support (as far as python
    supports threading)
- Smooth integration of UNO structs, enums, types and constants
    into python import mechanism
- integration into the OOo build environment
- windows port

Python scripts implemented with the older version will need
some smaller modifications in order to run with the new

Version 0.9.1 requires the instable OO643C build
(towards OpenOffice.org 1.1), the stable
OpenOfffice.org 1.0.x builds won't run with the new version.

You may download the new version from

Windows build for OO643C  :
Linux x86 build for OO643C:
Source (for OO643C build environment):

The document


contains detailed installation instructions and
some detailed technical documentation about the bridge.

Thx, Joerg

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