[oodisc] Fw: [ooo-announce] OpenOffice.org Newsletter - October 2003 - Volume 1 - Issue 4

Maxim Britov udjinrg на forenet.by
Чт Окт 9 11:42:51 MSD 2003

Несколько выдержек из OpenOffice.org Newsletter - October 2003 - Volume 1 - Issue 4
Надеюсь интересных.
Сильно покоцано :) Сорри. Оригинал слишком большой.

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2003 08:44:47 -0700
From: Erwin Tenhumberg
To: announce на openoffice.org
Subject: [ooo-announce] OpenOffice.org Newsletter - October 2003 - Volume 1 - Issue 4

                        OPENOFFICE.ORG NEWSLETTER
                    Volume 01  -  Issue 4  -  10/2003

... тут покоцано ...

OpenOffice.org Community Council is now formed
Five Project Leads (From Accepted Projects):
Louis Suarez-Potts, Martin Hollmichel, Matthias Huetsch, Sam Hiser,
Kevin Hendricks

Two Native-Language Representatives (From Native-Lang Projects):
Pavel Janik, Sophie Gautier

One Community Contributor Representative  (At large):
C.P. Hennessy

One Sun Staff Member:
Stefan Taxhet


... тут покоцано ...




* More that 20,400,000 have downloaded OpenOffice.org
   so far (as of September 27, 2003).

* About 4,000,000 people downloaded OpenOffice.org in
   just the last quarter.

* The OpenOffice.org project has more than 13,700
   unique people subscribed to the mailing lists
   (as of September 27, 2003). This is about 3% more
   than in the previous month.

* 315 people and companies have signed a JCA and are thus
   either already contributing or considering to do so
   (as of October 1, 2003). Compared to the previous month
   this is a 7.5 percent growth rate.

* 1028 people have participated in the OOo developer
   survey so far (as of October 6, 2003). This is about
   5% more than last month. A detailed analysis will
   be provided in one of the next newsletters.

* 708 messages were sent to the dev на api.openoffice.org
   mailing list in August. This is again a new record!

User survey data
The number of people who filled out the OpenOffice.org user
survey is increasing very fast. A comparison of the first
six days of each months shows that in October the number
was almost twice as high as in September. This peak was
probably caused by the OpenOffice.org 1.1 announcement.

July 1-6, 2003:  3266
Aug  1-6, 2003:  3573 (+  9.4%)
Sept 1-6, 2003:  4693 (+ 31.3%)
Oct  1-6, 2003:  8292 (+ 76.7%)

Operating systems occurence (in various combinations)
among 277398 respondents:

OS		   TOTAL	%
Win 2000           79115   28.52%
Win NT             16014    5.77%
Win XP            124293   44.80%
Win 98 ME          82228   29.64%
Win 95              9422    3.39%
Linux Intel       120602   43.47%
Linux PowerPC      10097    3.63%
Linux ARM           3494    1.25%
Linux Alpha         2065    0.74%
FreeBSD             6570    2.36%
NetBSD               902    0.32%
OpenBSD             2348    0.84%
Mac OS             17882    6.44%
solaris             8774    3.16%
BeOS                1997    0.71%
Irix                1376    0.49%
Tru64                784    0.28%
other               6995    2.52%

Native Languages of OOo users

No answer               17809
Arabic ar                 397
Catalan ca               1382
Chinese zh-cn            3486
Chinese zh-tw            2651
Danish da                2958
Dutch nl                 9179
English en             104057
Estonian et              1132
Finnish fi               3265
French fr               19535
German de               40475
Greek el                 1101
Hungarian hu             2194
Italian it              10910
Japanese ja              6504
Korean ko                 496
Polish pl                7387
Portuguese pt            2005
Portugues do Brasil br   9655
Russian ru               3875
Slovenian sl              981
Spanish es              13168
Swedish sv               2822
Thai th	                  132
Turkish tr               1246
Other                    8596
TOTAL answers:         277398

21. Where are you primarily using OpenOffice.org ?
[Multiple choice]

35% - use OOo at work
70,2% - use OOo at home
6.37% - use OOo in school
0.96% - Not aplicable
9.4% - have not responded at all

Using OOo Exclusively in one single place:
Work - 17.37%
Home - 49.8%
School - 1.71%

20.How long have you been using OpenOffice.org?
[Single choice]

17.77% - use OOo for over 1 year
10.83% - 6-12 months
59.4%  - Less than 6 months
12% - have not responded to this question

32. Would you like to be included in our mailing list for
announcements, updates, volunteer requests (you can unsubscribe
anytime later) ?
[Single choice]

51% - YES
25% - NO
1% - I am already a part/member of the OpenOffice.org team.
23% - No response

31. If you would like to help/participate what would you like to do
most ?
[Multiple choices]

13.3% - 35905 - Translation
16.2% - 43698 - Promotion
10.8% - 29362 - Programming
10.6% - 28602 - Distribution
35.8% - 96706 - Testing
15.4% - 41785 - I would not participate
36.2% - 97858 - No answer

... покоцано ...

Awards & Reviews

NewsForge readers pick their favorite desktop Linux apps
"A recent NewsForge story carried a list of my top 10 favorite desktop
apps and asked readers to name theirs. More than a hundred readers
responded with their own lists, which included more than 250 different
applications. Here are the surprising results.
The next list ranks the top 10 apps based on the points they earned:

1. OpenOffice.org (277 points)
2. Mozilla (263 points)
3. XMMS (262 points)
4. The GIMP (216 points)
5. Konqueror (168 points)
6. Vi/Vim (168 points)
7. Mplayer (156 points)
8. Gaim (144 points)
9. Emacs/Xemacs (139 points)
10. Evolution (124 points)"

Best Office Suite: OpenOffice.org 1.1
OfB [Open for Business] Open Choice Awards 2003

Linux Enterprise Reader's Choice 2003
Best Office Solution:

1st place - OpenOffice.org
2nd place - StarOffice

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