[oodisc] Fw: [releases] Changes to OpenOffice.org roadmap
Maxim Britov
udjinrg на forenet.by
Ср Авг 4 17:45:02 MSD 2004
Begin forwarded message:
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 14:58:01 +0200
From: Martin Hollmichel <martin.hollmichel на sun.com>
To: releases на openoffice.org
Newsgroups: openoffice.releases
Subject: [releases] Changes to OpenOffice.org roadmap
In the last few months we postponed bug fixing and concentrated on
implementing new features. We didn't achieve the UI freeze and feature
completion scheduled for the end of July and have since extended this to
the end of August.
What is more important though, is that the quality of the newly
implemented features and of the resulting master builds has not
progressed as we would like. This leaves us with a huge number of open
bugs yet to resolve. We believe that we will be able to achieve
sufficient quality by the end of January.
What is the consequence of this delay?
Some overdue features that were considered not critical enough for
OpenOffice.org 2.0 have been postponed. We will continue to monitor the
remaining open bug count and review the roadmap as required.
The revised roadmap:
End of August 2004: 2.0 UI Freeze
December 2004: 2.0 Beta
January 2004: 2.0 Fixes will be done on a separate branch
February 2005: 2.0 RCs
March 2005: 2.0
No longer is there a specific "feature complete EA" milestone. To
solicit early feedback, we will continue to provide frequent snapshots
in such a quality that we can make them available on OpenOffice.org.
PS see http://development.openoffice.org/releases/OpenOffice_org_trunk.html
PS for l10n: It will be likely that after end of August still some
strings will change. I got the promise that this will be very few
strings and will get documented on this list (releases на openoffice.org).
If you want to be aligned with the above schedule, localizations should
be completed until end of November. I will announce more specific dates
for you as soon as I know them.
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Maxim Britov
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