[oodisc] m65

Maxim Britov udjinrg на forenet.by
Вт Дек 14 19:37:01 MSK 2004

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 12:00:19 +0300
Slava Sedov <sedov на yandex-team.ru> wrote:

> вроде сделали...не терпится увидеть реализацию XForms... может, 
> поделится кто ссылочкой?.. :) а-то до завтра (а-то и послезавтра) ждать 
> не хочется... :)

Important Notes
File Format
Some documents that have been saved with SRC680 build prior to m64 cannot be
loaded into SRC680m64 and future builds. This espacially applies to Writer
documents. To be able to load them, the file need to be coverted.
The conversion can be done as follows:

   1. Create a backup of the document.
   2. Rename the document to a file with the same name but an extensions
      that has the 2nd "o" replaced with a "d". For instance, test.oot
      becomes test.odt. For drawing documents, use the extension "odg".
      For templates,only the extension of drawing templates has to be changed to "otg".
   3. Unzip the sub documents "mimetype" and "META-INF/manifest.xml"
      from the document using an arbitrary zip tool.
   4. Within the unzipped "mimetype" and "META-INF/manifest.xml" files,
      replace all occurencies of "x-vnd.oasis.openoffice" with "vnd.oasis.opendocument".
   5. Add the "mimetype" file uncompressed to the document.
   6. Add "META-INF/manifest.xml" to the document.
   7. Load the document into OpenOffice.org and resave it.

For a file called test.oot, on Unix/Solaris the following commands do that job:

>> cp test.oot test.odt
>> unzip test.odt mimetype META-INF/manifest.xml
>> mv mimetype mimetype.bak
>> sed -e"s/x-vnd\.oasis\.openoffice/vnd.oasis.opendocument/"
    mimetype.bak >mimetype

>> zip -0 test.odt mimetype
>> mv META-INF/manifest.xml META-INF/manifest.xml.bak
>> sed -e"s/x-vnd\.oasis\.openoffice/vnd.oasis.opendocument/"
    META-INF/manifest.xml.bak >META-INF/manifest.xml

>> zip test.odt META-INF/manifest.xml
>> [start OpenOffice.org, load file and dave it again]

Background: The OASIS Open Office Technical Committee (TC) recently
decided to rename its specification from "Open Office Specification 1.0"
to "OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) 1.0",
abbreviated "OpenDocument". At the same time the TC decided to use new
extensions (odt, ods, etc. instead oot, oos, etc.), new MIME types
(application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text, etc. instead of
application/vnd.oasis.openoffice.text, etc) and new XML namespace URIs.
This change has been implemented in SRC680m64.

Maxim Britov

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