[oodisc] Fw: [releases] Status of OOo 2.0

Maxim Britov udjinrg на forenet.by
Ср Ноя 10 09:59:24 MSK 2004

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 22:42:55 +0100
From: Martin Hollmichel <Martin.Hollmichel на Sun.COM>
To: releases на openoffice.org
Subject: [releases] Status of OOo 2.0


we are coming close to OpenOffice.org 2.0 Beta release. I would like to 
list things that still needs to be done:

Missing feature child workspaces:

* eforms2  ( XForms functionality ) 

* recovery04 (Autorecovery and Crash reporter)

* presentationengine01 (New Presentation Engine)

* migration1 (Execute migration on first Office start)

* oooicons (New Icons for OOo)

* nativefixes (native language packages)

I expect all these child workspace ready for integration by next week so 
that build 1.9.64 or 65 will be the first release candidate for our 2.0 
Beta release. If somebody has new features in mind I have forgotten, 
please raise your hand now. We plan to release 2.0 Beta then begin of 

Regarding localization almost all of the strings are final, I will try 
to document potential new/changed strings on this list. I'm thinking of 
a first deadline for contributed localizations in Begin/Mid January '05. 

Localization using PO files is almost ready and three teams (Estonian,
South African and Czech teams) are now verifying the complete process of
extracting POT files, generating PO files, translating them, generating
GSI/SDF files from PO files and final merging. Small pieces of information
are created to document the whole process ("to document" means to document
the OOo specific parts of it, because we are trying to make the process
more unified with the usual open-source software translation process).

I will continue to send updated status information about the upcoming 
2.0 release the next weeks months.

Some other things that comes to my mind we need to track in the next time:

* new splash screen ( Issue 36491 )
* take care about Novell contributed icon (see oooicons above)
* Porting efforts (Mac, FreeBSD, Linux (Sparc, PPC, ARM, S390, AMD64 ), 
Irix, NetBSD, etc. )
* new Readme text
* OOo SDK 2.0
* integration of various dictionaries and thesauri

We still have ~1000 open issues on target 2.0 and about 90 child 
workspaces in progress for the release, so there's still some work to be 

please provide feedback on things I have forgotten, I will then try to 
provide more detailed information next week.

Mar- thanking Pavel for the l10n input -tin

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Maxim Britov

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