[oodisc] Звук в презентации под Линукс . Как вставить?
Rail Aliev
rail на iqchoice.com
Вт Дек 13 14:51:52 MSK 2005
On 13:24, Tue 13.12.05, Мальцев Алесандр wrote:
>Есть ли в OpenOffice.org Impress под Линукс возможность вставить звук в презентацию?
>Suse 9 и 10 в меню вставки этого пункта нет. Версии О.О 1.1.3 и 2.0 Beta m(не-помню).
Из справки (ключевые слова sounds;UNIX)
Supported Audio Servers
If your system cannot play sounds, install version 1.2 release 4 or
higher of the Network Audio System (NAS). You can download NAS from
ftp://ftp.x.org/pub/contrib/audio. Platforms that are supported by NAS
include Linux x86 (provided that audio drivers are available for the
card), SGI, HP, and SUN. You only need to install NAS on a server, and
not on the clients.
After you install NAS, add it as an AUDIOSERVER to the environment
variables using the format "name:0".
If you do not set the AUDIOSERVER variable, the DISPLAY variable is used
instead (if the audio and video servers are on the same host). You
cannot start the audio server from a command line.
You can also use rplayd to play sound files, but only in X Window.
Otherwise, use SalSound and the Open Sound System (OSS) to play sound
Best regards,
Rail Aliev
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