[oodisc] [Michael Johnson] Firefox 2.0 ready for FreeBSD
Boris Samorodov
bsam на ipt.ru
Ср Окт 25 02:26:20 MSD 2006
Бодрый ночь!
Вот, для особо нетерпеливых:
From: "Michael Johnson" <ahze на freebsd.org>
To: freebsd-gnome на freebsd.org
Subject: Firefox 2.0 ready for FreeBSD
For those of you who can't wait until the ports freeze
is over to get your hands on Firefox 2.0; we have
Firefox 2.0 ready for you now.
Port Tarball: http://www.ahze.net/~ahze/distfiles/firefox.tar.bz2
Release notes: http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/2.0/releasenotes/
Firefox: http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/
Michael on behalf of the FreeBSD GNOME team
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