[Oo-discuss] docx, xlsx

Александр Мальцев =?iso-8859-1?q?amaltsev_=CE=C1_ukr=2Enet?=
Ср Июн 18 17:36:15 MSD 2008

У новэла есть такая штука:          
        The OpenXML Translator provides support for opening and saving Microsoft* OpenXML-formatted word processing documents (.docx), spreadsheet documents (.xslx) and slideshow documents (.pptx) in OpenOffice.org.    
The odfconverter-1.1-7.oxt file works only with Windows, and the odf-converter-1.1-7.i586.rpm file works only on SUSE® Linux Enterprise, SUSE Linux, and openSUSE. On both platforms, the OpenXML Translator works only with the latest Novell® edition of OpenOffice.org.    
    Для скачивания нужно только зарегистрироваться на сайте и всё.  
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